84 Results
Maintain the momentum for implementing historic international tax reform
Maintain the momentum for implementing historic international tax reform
The Truth of the Annual Income Barrier and Current Pension System Distortions
The Truth of the Annual Income Barrier and Current Pension System Distortions
Funding the Policies to Boost Japan’s Birthrate
Funding the Policies to Boost Japan’s Birthrate
Crypto Assets and Taxes
Crypto Assets and Taxes
Creating a Social Safety Net for the Digital Age
Creating a Social Safety Net for the Digital Age
From Wise Spending to Outcome-Oriented Spending
From Wise Spending to Outcome-Oriented Spending
Japan’s Price Inflation: Bad, Good, or Irrelevant?
Japan’s Price Inflation: Bad, Good, or Irrelevant?
Can a Robot Tax Help Narrow the Social Divide?
Can a Robot Tax Help Narrow the Social Divide?
The Role and Limitations of Public Finance in Japan
The Role and Limitations of Public Finance in Japan
Tax Solutions for the Age of Economic Inequality: Refocusing the “New Capitalism”
Tax Solutions for the Age of Economic Inequality: Refocusing the “New Capitalism”
Be Prepared for New Tax Competition: Impact Assessment of Two Minimum Taxes of the ...
Be Prepared for New Tax Competition: Impact Assessment of Two Minimum Taxes of the ...
Changing Corporate Behavior to Jump-Start the New Capitalism: The North Wind Versus...
Changing Corporate Behavior to Jump-Start the New Capitalism: The North Wind Versus...
Making the New Capitalism a Reality: Hints from Britain’s Third Way
Making the New Capitalism a Reality: Hints from Britain’s Third Way
Keeping Medical Expenditures Aligned with Fiscal Realities
Keeping Medical Expenditures Aligned with Fiscal Realities
Challenges of Carbon Border Adjustment: Considering the Focus of Expansion of the C...
Challenges of Carbon Border Adjustment: Considering the Focus of Expansion of the C...
Prime Minister Kishida’s Growth and Redistribution Strategy: Will It Work?
Prime Minister Kishida’s Growth and Redistribution Strategy: Will It Work?
Economic and Social Dimensions of Japan’s Cigarette Tax
Economic and Social Dimensions of Japan’s Cigarette Tax
How Historic Is the New Framework for International Tax Reform? Sizing Up the Two-P...
How Historic Is the New Framework for International Tax Reform? Sizing Up the Two-P...
The Long Road to Intergenerational Equity in Paying for Healthcare in Japan
The Long Road to Intergenerational Equity in Paying for Healthcare in Japan
Fine-Tuning the Benchmarks for a Children-Friendly Society
Fine-Tuning the Benchmarks for a Children-Friendly Society

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