Message from the President

Our ardent hope that the twenty-first century would usher in a brighter, more peaceful future has been dashed by a renewed surge of global challenges: a raging pandemic that has shut borders and enforced social isolation; unilateral efforts to change the geopolitical status quo; abuses of human rights; environmental degradation; and food and energy shortages. Beset by an aging, dwindling population, Japan must also cope with serious demographic issues that other countries have yet to confront.
By drawing on its strengths as a not-for-profit, independent think tank, the Tokyo Foundation for Policy Research seeks to meet such challenges and contribute to a better future for Japan and the world by proactively delivering innovative, “people-centered proposals,” drafted from a long-term perspective by members of a broad array of ambitious research programs.
Uniquely complementing our efforts to identify policies that help improve people’s lives are activities aimed developing the next generation of outstanding human resources. We administer a fellowship program to nurture socially engaged leaders at renowned graduate schools in 44 countries, another program to support Japanese-language education overseas, and a third to promote understanding of Japan by donating books about the country—mostly in English—to libraries worldwide.
I look forward to working closely with our partners and stakeholders around the world in our continuing efforts to offer many innovative solutions for the revitalization and well-being of Japan and the world.
Izumi Kadono