The Tokyo Foundation for Policy Research


The Tokyo Foundation for Policy Research


城山 英明/Hideaki Shiroyama


Hideaki Shiroyama

Last updated : October 23, 2024

Professor, Graduate School for Law and Politics, The University of Tokyo

Areas of Expertise
  • Public administration
  • science/technology and public policy
  • international public administration

Hideaki Shiroyama is a professor of public administration in the Graduate School for Law and Politics and the Graduate School of Public Policy, University of Tokyo. His research areas are public administration, science/technology and public policy, and global governance/international administration. He was the dean of the Graduate School of Public Policy from 2014 to 2016 and the director of the Policy Alternatives Research Institute from 2010 to 2014. He is the director of the Institute for Future Initiatives. He serves as a member of various government advisory councils on higher education, nuclear safety, consumer safety, space policy, and AI/IT.

Research Program
Capacity Development of 'Connecting Personnel' for Science and Technology Innovation Policy
Reconstructing the Science and Technology Policy System(-2024)

Select Publications

Derk Loorbach, Julia Wittmayer, Hideaki Shiroyama, Junichi Fujino, and Satoru Mizuguchi, eds. Governance of Urban Sustainability Transitions: European and Asian Experiences, Springer, 2016.

Hiroshi Komiyama, Kazuhiro Takeuchi, Hideaki Shiroyama, and Takeshi Mino, eds., Sustainability Science: A Multidisciplinary Approach, United Nations University Press, 2011.


Hideaki Shiroyama, “Japan’s Response to the COVID-19,” Paul Joyce, Fabienne Maron, and Purshottama Sivanarain Reddy, eds., Good Public Governance in a Global Pandemic, Brussels: IIAS, 2020.

Hideaki Shiroyama, “Risk Management in Japan,” Ali Farazmand, ed., Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance, Springer, 2018.  

Hideaki Shiroyama, “Nuclear Safety Regulation before the Fukushima Accident and Post-accident Reform,” Keiichi Tsunekawa, ed., Five Years After: Reassessing Japan's Responses to the Earthquake, Tsunami, and the Nuclear Disaster, University of Tokyo Press, 2016.

Hideaki Shiroyama, “Nuclear Safety Regulation in Japan and Impacts of the Fukushima Daiichi Accident,” Joonhong Ahn, Cathryn Carson, Mikael Jensen, Kohta Juraku, Shinya Nagasaki, Satoru Tanaka, eds., Reflections on the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Accident: Toward Social-Scientific Literacy and Engineering Resilience, Springer, 2015.

AitongLi, YuanXu, Hideaki Shiroyama, “Solar lobby and energy transition in Japan,” Energy Policy, vol. 34, November 2019.

Yasushi Katsuma, Hideaki Shiroyama, and Makiko Matsuo, “Challenges in achieving the health Sustainable Development Goal: Global Governance as an issue for the mean of implementation,” Asia-Pacific Development Journal, vol. 23, no. 2, 2016.

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