The Tokyo Foundation for Policy Research


The Tokyo Foundation for Policy Research


鈴木 一人/Kazuto Suzuki


Kazuto Suzuki

Last updated : October 23, 2024

Professor, Graduate School of Public Policy, University of Tokyo

Areas of Expertise
  • International political economy
  • science, technology, and security
  • space policy

Kazuto Suzuki is professor of science and technology policy at the Graduate School of Public Policy at the University of Tokyo and senior fellow of the Asia Pacific Initiative (API), an independent policy thinktank. He graduated from the Department of International Relations, Ritsumeikan University, and received his PhD from the Sussex European Institute, University of Sussex. He worked at the Fondation pour la recherche stratégique in Paris as assistant researcher and as associate professor at the University of Tsukuba from 2000 to 2008 and served as professor of international politics at Hokkaido University until 2020. He served as an expert on the Panel of Experts for the Iranian Sanctions Committee of the United Nations Security Council from 2013 to July 2015. He currently serves as president of the Japan Association of International Security and Trade.

Research Program
Reconstructing the Science and Technology Policy System(-2024)
Capacity Development of 'Connecting Personnel' for Science and Technology Innovation Policy

Select Publications

  1. Kazuto Suzuki, “U.S.-China technological hegemony and Japan's economic security,” Policy Briefs, 2021/13, The Global Governance Programme, EU-Asia project, European University Institute, April 2021. Full-text via DOI: 10.2870/53704; ISBN: 978-92-9084-968-1, total 9 pages.
  2. Kazuto Suzuki “UN sanctions on Iran and their financial elements” in Sachiko Yoshimura (eds.) United Nations Financial Sanctions, Routledge, 2021, pp.150-165.
  3. Kazuto Suzuki, “Japan-ROK dispute: Weaponising trade?” East Asia Quarterly11 No.4, October-November 2019, pp. 40-41.
  4. Kazuto Suzuki, “Iran: The role and effectiveness of UN sanctions,” Masahiko Asada (ed.), Economic Sanctions in International Law and Practice, Routledge, 2019, pp. 178-199.
  5. Kazuto Suzuki, “Encouraging Transnational Organizational Learning,” Edward D. Blandford and Scott D. Sagan (eds.), Learning from a Disaster: Improving Nuclear Safety and Security After Fukushima, Stanford Security Studies: Stanford University Press, 2016, pp.136-154.
  6. Kazuto Suzuki, “Space Security in Japan,” Schrogl KU, Hays PL, Robinson J, Moura D, Giannopapa C (eds.), Handbook of Space Security: Policies, Applications and Programs, Springer, 2015, pp.397-412.

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