17 Results
Development of Well-Being Indicators and Policy Packages
Development of Well-Being Indicators and Policy Packages
Historical Analysis
Historical Analysis
The Problem of Unclaimed Land: Analysis of New Policies
The Problem of Unclaimed Land: Analysis of New Policies
Advancing Renewable Energy Initiatives through Local Ownership
Advancing Renewable Energy Initiatives through Local Ownership
Dissecting the Growth Problems of Japanese Start-ups
Dissecting the Growth Problems of Japanese Start-ups
Future Vision for Sustainable and Integrated Water Management
Future Vision for Sustainable and Integrated Water Management
Economic Data and Evidence-Based Policymaking
Economic Data and Evidence-Based Policymaking
Economic Policy Regime in the Post-COVID-19 Era
Economic Policy Regime in the Post-COVID-19 Era
Economic Analysis of Personal Income Tax Reform
Economic Analysis of Personal Income Tax Reform
Plans for Sustainable and Politically Acceptable Fiscal Consolidation and Social In...
Plans for Sustainable and Politically Acceptable Fiscal Consolidation and Social In...
Future Design: Research on Decision-Making Methods for Intergenerational Sustainabi...
Future Design: Research on Decision-Making Methods for Intergenerational Sustainabi...
Policy Evaluation of Cross-Regional Interconnection Lines in the Electricity Market
Policy Evaluation of Cross-Regional Interconnection Lines in the Electricity Market
Quantitative Analysis of Epidemics and Economic Implications
Quantitative Analysis of Epidemics and Economic Implications
Digitalization of the Economy and International Taxation
Digitalization of the Economy and International Taxation
Japan’s Response to an Accelerating Global Energy Transition
Japan’s Response to an Accelerating Global Energy Transition
Managing the Risk of RMB Internationalization and Digitalization
Managing the Risk of RMB Internationalization and Digitalization
Assessing the Integrated Reform of Tax and Social Security Systems in Japan
Assessing the Integrated Reform of Tax and Social Security Systems in Japan

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