The Tokyo Foundation for Policy Research


The Tokyo Foundation for Policy Research


小林 庸平/Yohei Kobayashi


Yohei Kobayashi

Last updated : October 23, 2024

Chief Analyst, Mitsubishi UFJ Research and Consulting

Areas of Expertise
  • public economics
  • public finance
  • tax policy
  • evidence-based policymaking

Yohei Kobayashi is a chief analyst at Mitsubishi UFJ Research and Consulting (MURC). He was born in 1981, graduated from Meiji University in 2004, and received his PhD in economics from Hitotsubashi University in 2018. His areas of expertise include public economics and evidence-based policymaking. He was a deputy director of the Industrial Structure Policy Division at the Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry and a fellow at the Research Institute of Economy, Trade, and Industry (RIETI). He is also a leader of the Murc Experimental and behavioRal Insights Team (MERIT), a consulting fellow at RIETI, and an advisor for the Administrative Evaluation Bureau at the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications.

Research Program
Contingency Plans for a Potential Financial Crisis

Select Publications

Hayashi, Masayoshi and Yohei Kobayashi (2010). “The Effects of Central Grants on Decentralized Social Programs: Post-2005 School Expense Assistance in Japan.” Global COE Hi-Stat Discussion Paper Series, No.118.

Kobayashi, Yohei, Koichi Kume, Keita Oikawa, and Tetsuro Sone (2013). “Social Security Contributions and Employment Structure: A Microeconometric Analysis Focused on Firm Characteristics.” RIETI Discussion Paper Series, 13-E-067.

Kobayashi, Yohei (2014). “Effect of R&D Tax Credits for SMEs in Japan: A Microeconometric Analysis Focused on Liquidity Constraints.” Small Business Economics, vol.42, issue 2, pp. 311–27.

Kobayashi, Yohei (2018). “The Effect of Shadow Education Vouchers after the Great East Japan Earthquake: Evidence from Regression Discontinuity Design.” RIETI Discussion Paper Series, 18-E-031.

Nishihata, Masaya and Yohei Kobayashi (2022). “Inequalities in Student Learning and Screen Time Due to COVID-19: Evidence from Japan.” RIETI Discussion Paper Series, 22-E-107.

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