Senior Fellow Fukushima Calls for Greater Cooperation amid COVID-19 Human Security Crisis
Senior Fellow Akiko Fukushima participated in an international webinar on advancing Japan-EU cooperation in the midst of a pandemic, hosted by Sciences Po Strasbourg on February 17, 2021.
The global outbreak of COVID-19 has reshaped international relations, with tensions rising not just among the great powers but also within the European Union, as populist governments prioritize national interets and show little interest in multilateral cooperation.
Senior Fellow Fukushima noted that COVID-19 is not a healthcare crisis alone but also a human security crisis. She cautioned against the waning momentum for cooperation as the geopolitical environment intensifies and called for the EU and Japan to work closer together to manage heightening competition.
Fukushima was also a featured speaker at a separate webinar, organized by the Crossley Center for Public Opinion Research and the Korbel School of International Studies at the University of Denver, focusing on America’s reengagement with multilateralism and implications for US allies like Japan.
“Japan-EU’s Cooperation in Covid-19’s Time: A New Relationship in a New Environment?”
“United Nations’ Relevance in the Turbulent 21st Century”
Profile of Senior Fellow Akiko Fukushima

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